[align=center]here we go
let's see what the meaning of love
1. Love means never having to say your Sorry.
From the movie, Now and Then

2. Love is life, love is true
Love is me, love is you
So for love, just be true.

3. Love is a path to the heart that knows its own way.

4. Love is the axis upon which a good love relationship spins.

5. Love is the thread that holds together the fabric of a marriage.

6. Love is two people sipping Coca Cola from the same straw on a warm sunny day.

7. A new love is like a fine wine.

8. Love is the messenger of the heart.

9. Love is you, Love is me, Love is where I want to be.

10. Love turns one person into two & two people into one...

11. Love is the blue ribbon of the heart.

12. love is everything
love is nothing
love is something
love is anything
but my love is true
hope yours is too

13. Just like a pearl necklace, love is the pearl of the heart.

14. Love is the welcome sign of the heart.

15. Love is the blood vessel of the heart

16. Love is pinching urself and realizing your not dreaming...

17. Love is a sweet ballad resonating from the heart.

18. "Love is something that hit me from a distance, smacked me in the face and showed me what i've been missing."

20. Love is something you should consider when your feeling donw because that very persn your in love with will always bring you back up.

21. Love is a slow dance between the hearts of two lovers.

22. LoVe Is GiViNg SoMeOnE tHe AbIlItY To HuRt YoU bUt NoT tRuStInG tHeM nOt ToO..

23. In the garden of romance. Love is the flower petal of the heart.

24. Love is one of the most beautiful shared experiences of life.

25. Love is the superstar of emotions
cuz there something only love can do

good luck to ya all
