مسجات بالانقلش 2015 - رسائل باللغه الانجليزية 2014 - مسجات نصيه انقلش 2014

How would I ever go on !
Without You..
There's No Place to belong

our love is like a game..
i want to finish immediately and WIN..!

You were my strength
when I was weak
You were my voice
when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes
when I couldn't see
You saw the best
there was in me
Lifted me up
when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith
'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you
loved me


I dont have the strength to stay away from you anymore

I miss you, although you my pain

,, Someone asked me if I missed u
I didn't answer , I just closed my eyes and walked away
then I whispered .. SO MUCH